Posted: May 25, 2023
Sauda Otiato was a participant in the EDI 20010 – Enterprise Development Initiative project in Mbotela, along Jogoo Road, where she resides with her family. She was unemployed at the time that she attended the entrepreneurship training. She late got a job as an Early Childhood Development (ECD) teacher but this was a field that she did not desire to stay in. Her desire was to start a baking business.
In the second phase of the project, Sauda was among the participants who were selected to participate in artisan skills training. She enrolled for a four-month baking course at Ventures Traning College and successfully undertook the training.
Due to her passion and commitment to the economic empowerment and the artisan skills trainings, she was selected as one of the participants who would receive seed capital for her baking business. She had started the business with the little she had, shortly after completing the artisan skills training.
Sauda received basic baking and other business equipment worth Ksh 83,000. Some of the items she received were a Fridge, an oven, a mixer, a blender and baking tins.

Her husband, Fred Kipsang, was very supportive of Sauda throughout her training and is standing by her in this formative stages of the business. The business will go a long a way in providing income for their family of three children and restoring dignity to this family and the community.