Posted: July 2, 2024

The Navigators (EPTF) Kenya Trust

In April 2024, a group of farmers gathered at the Beehom Workshop in Eldoret to receive training on Beekeeping. The facilitator, James Mutuku, and his team of three young men have been making beehives, and the farmers were eager to learn how to make and install them on their farms. The training session also provided an opportunity to establish a partnership between the Beehom workshop, the farmers and EPTF.

Our shared vision is characterized by a heart for the whole person. James’s story is an excellent example of this. He and his team spend most of their time making furniture and beehives, as they work, the young men have been influenced to start reading the Bible and decide to follow Jesus. The Beehom Workshop has become a haven for them, and we want to support more initiatives like this.

Our goal is to come alongside Navs Field Ministry partners (FMPs) serving in Kitui, Wote, Machakos, Nakuru, and Kakamega regions. With the support from the FMPs in these regions our desire is to reach the whole person. We want to introduce those impacted by our economic empowerment projects to Jesus, establish them to have spiritual generations, and empower them with skills that will help not only provide for their families but also restore dignity in their homes. Would you pray that:

  • The Beehom Workshop will continue to grow and train more farmers in Beekeeping.
  • The three young men will improve their carpentry skills, and their hearts will be transformed.
  • EPTF will expand its work to Wote, Kitui,Machakos, Nakuru, and Kakamega regions to help take the whole gospel, to the whole person to the whole of Kenya.

This story was featured on the Navigators Kenya Eneza magazine, published in June. To read other stories on the magazine please click this link