Posted: August 7, 2018

When we (EPTF) started an Economic Empowerment journey with the Kijiji fire victims early July we did not then imagine what this means for these men and women.

It is until Thursday, 2nd August, when 62 of them gathered together to celebrate their one month successful Entrepreneurship Training at a graduation ceremony held at PCEA Lang’ata church that we realized this meant a new phase of life for most of them.


This colorful ceremony which was one of its kind was graced by the EPTF CEO Mary Kamore, Children’s Mission Africa Director Wanjau Nduba, Lang’ata area Assistant Chief Mr. Kangethe, The Mugumo-ini Ward Administrator Mr. Kiptum,  PCEA Church leadership, Elder Symon Wanyutu & Samuel Gitonga, EPTF trainers, Mentors and Staff.

The main message that came across during this graduation was, ‘Regardless of what you have gone through in life you can make it and nothing (not even fire) can stop you from succeeding. With God on your side everything is possible. And as one graduating Entrepreneur put it, ‘EPTF has not given us the fish but the tools to catch the fish for ourselves. God bless EPTF’.

The 62 Entrepreneurs’ now transition to the next level of Empowerment which is a six months mentoring period.