Posted: June 17, 2020

A New Dawn

Cheplaskei Farm is a dairy and crop production farm in Cheplaskei, a village in the outskirts of Eldoret town. The farm is run by a Navigators missionary couple, Charles and Laura Call. The Calls are serving the community in Cheplaskei in collaboration with EPTF. We desire to see the community experiencing social, economic and spiritual transformation. Some of the key activities being undertaken at the farm are;

Dairy Farming
The farm currently has a herd of 10 cows, four are producing 32 liters of milk per day. The primary market for the milk is the local community. This opened opportunities for one-one engagements that eventually led to the start of a Bible study group.

Crop production
The farm produces maize, sweet lupines inter-cropped with soya beans, vegetables and brichiaria in nursery beds.  Maize (for grain and production of silage) covers 12.8 acres (6 of which are rented outside the farm). Sweet lupines and soya cover 0.9 acres.

Poultry farming
Chicken rearing is also carried out at the farm. Eggs produced at the farm are sold to the community and some set aside for layers.

EPTF conducted out a beekeeping training within the community. After this training, Bible study members formed beekeeping groups. Their beehives are located within the farm.

Community engagement
Bible study members have been trained by EPTF on business management, Soap making, Poultry keeping, group formation and beekeeping. These skills have come in handy in helping them improve their livelihoods.

EPTF in partnership with the Call’s believe that this community has great potential. We are excited to be part of this transformative journey.